The History of the Oklahoma Sooners

by Evelyn D. Shah on July 04, 2023

The History of the Oklahoma Sooners

The Oklahoma Sooners, representing the University of Oklahoma (OU), has a storied history in collegiate sports, particularly football. The program's rich legacy encompasses numerous conference championships, national titles, iconic players, and memorable rivalries. From its humble beginnings to becoming one of the most successful athletic programs in the country, the Oklahoma Sooners have left an indelible mark on the world of college sports.

The Birth of a Legacy

In the early 20th century, athletics began flourishing at the University of Oklahoma. Football, baseball, and track and field were among the first sports to gain popularity. The university fielded its first football team in 1895, beginning a long and storied football tradition. [2]

During these early years, OU faced numerous challenges, including financial constraints and the need to build athletic facilities. However, the determination of the university and its athletes laid the groundwork for future success.

Football became an integral part of OU's athletic program, quickly gaining recognition for its skill and competitiveness. The early football squads were coached by various individuals, including Vernon Parrington, who coached the team from 1897 to 1900. Despite facing limited resources and formidable opponents, the Sooners showed great potential, setting the stage for future accomplishments. [3]

The university's commitment to athletics led to the construction of facilities such as Boyd Field (now Owen Field), which became the home of the Sooners' football team. These developments provided a platform for the team to showcase its talent and build a solid fan base.

OU football faced challenges and setbacks during this formative period, but the program persevered. The university's commitment to athletic excellence, combined with the dedication of coaches and student-athletes, began to shape the identity of the Oklahoma Sooners.


[1] University of Oklahoma - History and Traditions:

[2] Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture - University of Oklahoma:

[3] - Football History and Tradition:

The Rise of the Sooners

The Oklahoma Sooners, representing the University of Oklahoma (OU), have carved their place in the annals of college sports history with a remarkable journey to prominence. This article explores the pivotal moments, influential figures, and championship triumphs that marked the rise of the Sooners as one of the most successful athletic programs in the nation.

Legendary Coaches and Influential Figures:

The ascent of the Sooners can be attributed to the guidance of legendary coaches and influential figures who left an indelible mark on the program. Visionary leaders such as Bennie Owen, who served as head football coach from 1905 to 1926, and the influential president of OU, Dr. William B. Bizzell, provided the foundation for the program's success. Their leadership and commitment to excellence set the stage for the Sooners' rise. [1]

Early Successes and Conference Championships:

In the early years of the 20th century, the Sooners began to make their mark on the collegiate sports scene. Under Coach Owen, the football team experienced many successes, including multiple conference championships. The team's dedication, skill, and strong work ethic propelled them to new heights, earning them recognition as a formidable force in the region. [2]

The Sooners' First National Championship:

The pinnacle of the Sooners' rise came in 1950 when they clinched their first national championship. Coached by Bud Wilkinson, the team demonstrated unparalleled dominance and a relentless pursuit of perfection. Led by standout players such as quarterback Jim Owens and running back Billy Vessels, the Sooners achieved an undefeated season, outscoring their opponents by a staggering margin. Their historic victory in the Sugar Bowl against the University of Maryland solidified their status as national champions and sparked an era of sustained success. [3]

Under Wilkinson's guidance, the Sooners won multiple conference championships and built a dynasty that would define the program for years. Wilkinson's innovative coaching techniques, including the famed "Split-T" offense, revolutionized the game and set the standard for excellence at OU.

The rise of the Sooners was a testament to the resilience, talent, and unwavering spirit of the players and coaches who dedicated themselves to the pursuit of greatness. Their accomplishments during this era laid the groundwork for future successes and established the Oklahoma Sooners as a football powerhouse.


[1] - Legendary Coaches:

[2] University of Oklahoma Libraries - The Rise of Football at OU:

[3] - 1950 National Championship:

Building a Football Dynasty

The Oklahoma Sooners, representing the University of Oklahoma (OU), have established themselves as a football powerhouse with a rich history of sustained excellence. This article delves into the era that defined the Sooners' football dynasty, highlighting the impact of iconic coach Barry Switzer and the continued success under Bob Stoops.

The Barry Switzer Era:

Switzer's Impact as Head Coach:

Barry Switzer, who became head coach in 1973, immediately impacted the Sooners' football program. Known for his charismatic personality and innovative coaching strategies, Switzer elevated the team to unprecedented heights. His emphasis on speed, athleticism, and an aggressive style of play became synonymous with the Sooners' identity. [1]

National Championships under Switzer:

During Switzer's tenure, the Sooners captured three national championships, solidifying their status as a dominant force in college football. In 1974, the team went undefeated, securing their first national title. The Sooners followed up with championships in 1975 and 1985, showcasing their sustained excellence under Switzer's leadership. [2]

The Stoops Era: Sustained Excellence:

Bob Stoops' Tenure and Achievements:

After Switzer's departure, Bob Stoops took the reins as head coach in 1999, continuing the tradition of success at OU. Stoops built upon the foundation laid by his predecessors, instilling a culture of discipline, accountability, and a commitment to excellence. Under his guidance, the Sooners achieved remarkable feats and became a perennial contender on the national stage. [3]

Conference Dominance and BCS Success:

Stoops led the Sooners to unparalleled success in conference play, winning numerous Big 12 championships. His teams consistently showcased exceptional talent, innovative strategies, and a competitive spirit that propelled them to the forefront of college football. The Sooners also achieved significant postseason success, making multiple appearances in BCS bowl games, including the BCS National Championship Game. [4]

Stoops' tenure witnessed the emergence of star players such as Heisman Trophy winners Jason White and Sam Bradford, further solidifying the Sooners' reputation as a destination for top talent.

The combination of Switzer's dynamic coaching style and Stoops' disciplined approach established the Oklahoma Sooners as a football dynasty admired for their consistency, dominance, and ability to compete at the highest level.


[1] - Barry Switzer:

[2] College Football Hall of Fame - Barry Switzer:

[3] - Bob Stoops:

[4] ESPN - Bob Stoops' Legacy:

Stars of the Crimson and Cream

The Oklahoma Sooners, representing the University of Oklahoma (OU), have been home to some of the most exceptional talents in college sports. This article pays tribute to the remarkable players who have donned the crimson and cream, leaving an indelible mark on the program's history. From Heisman Trophy winners to iconic figures, the Oklahoma Sooners stars have shaped the team's legacy.

Heisman Trophy Winners:

Billy Vessels: The First Sooner Heisman:

In 1952, running back Billy Vessels became the first Sooner to win the prestigious Heisman Trophy. Vessels' electrifying speed, agility, and remarkable ability to make big plays propelled him to this honor, solidifying his place in Oklahoma football lore. [1]

Steve Owens and the Back-to-Back Heismans:

Running back Steve Owens achieved a rare feat by winning consecutive Heisman Trophies in 1969 and 1970. Owens' powerful running style, coupled with his exceptional leadership, made him an iconic figure in the history of the Sooners. His back-to-back Heisman wins symbolize his dominance and the team's success during that era. [2]

The Dominance of Billy Sims:

Running back Billy Sims left an indelible mark on the Sooners' program in the late 1970s. Known for his electrifying speed, agility, and versatility, Sims became the third Sooner to receive the Heisman Trophy, winning the prestigious award in 1978. His breathtaking runs and knack for finding the end zone made him a striking figure in Oklahoma football history. [3]

Jason White: Overcoming Adversity:

Quarterback Jason White's story is one of perseverance and triumph. Overcoming multiple knee injuries, White showcased remarkable determination and resilience. In 2003, he became the fourth Sooner to win the Heisman Trophy, thanks to his exceptional passing skills, leadership, and poise under pressure. White's journey serves as an inspiration to all who face adversity. [4]

Sam Bradford: Precision and Poise:

Quarterback Sam Bradford joined the esteemed group of Sooners to win the Heisman Trophy in 2008. Bradford's remarkable accuracy, football IQ, and ability to dissect defenses made him a standout player. His leadership and poise in the pocket led the Sooners to great success, solidifying his status as one of the program's all-time greats. [5]

Baker Mayfield: A New Generation:

In 2017, quarterback Baker Mayfield added his name to the illustrious list of Sooner Heisman winners. Mayfield's electrifying playmaking ability, fiery competitiveness, and record-breaking performances endeared him to Oklahoma fans. His impact on and off the field left an indelible mark on the program and ushered in a new era of success. [6]

Legendary Players and Hall of Famers:

Bud Wilkinson and the "Split-T" Offense:

Coach Bud Wilkinson, an iconic OU football star, revolutionized the game with his innovative "Split-T" offense. Wilkinson's teams achieved unprecedented success, including a 47-game winning streak from 1953 to 1957. His coaching prowess and ability to develop talented players elevated the Sooners to national prominence. [7]

Rivalries and Memorable Games

The Oklahoma Sooners, representing the University of Oklahoma (OU), have engaged in fierce rivalries and memorable games that have etched themselves into college football history. This article explores the intensity, tradition, and unforgettable moments that have defined the Sooners' matchups against their most notable rivals.

Red River Showdown: Oklahoma vs. Texas:

The History and Intensity of the Rivalry:

The Red River Showdown between the Sooners and the Texas Longhorns is among college football's most storied rivalries. Originating in 1900, this annual clash occurred at the Cotton Bowl in Dallas, Texas. The rivalry embodies the deep-rooted hatred and the sheer intensity that captivates fans. [1]

Memorable Moments and Victories:

Throughout the years, the Red River Showdown has witnessed its fair share of iconic moments. The games between Oklahoma and Texas have provided lasting memories, from epic comebacks to thrilling shootouts. Notable victories and standout performances have added to the lore of this storied rivalry, leaving an indelible mark on college football history. [2]

Bedlam Series: Oklahoma vs. Oklahoma State:

Origins of the In-State Rivalry:

The Bedlam Series, which features the Sooners and the Oklahoma State Cowboys, is a fierce in-state rivalry that dates back to 1904. The name "Bedlam" originates from the state's psychiatric hospital, reflecting the intensity and chaos that defines this matchup. The annual clash ignites passion and divides the state of Oklahoma. [3]

High-Scoring Shootouts and Thrilling Finishes:

The Bedlam Series has become synonymous with high-scoring shootouts and thrilling finishes. Both teams have traded blows and produced remarkable displays of offensive firepower. The games have often come down to the wire, captivating fans with nail-biting finishes and dramatic moments that showcase the intense nature of this rivalry. [4]

Bowl Games and National Championship Clashes:

Orange Bowl Classics:

The Oklahoma Sooners have a rich history of participating in prestigious bowl games, including the Orange Bowl. These bowl matchups have seen the Sooners face formidable opponents in games with significant implications. From thrilling victories to hard-fought battles, the Orange Bowl has been a stage where the Sooners have displayed their grit and determination. [5]

BCS National Championship Appearances:

The Oklahoma Sooners have made multiple appearances in the BCS National Championship Game, competing against other top-tier programs on the biggest stage in college football. These clashes have showcased the Sooners' ability to contend for national titles, resulting in memorable moments and battles shaping the program's history. [6]

The rivalries and memorable games in the history of the Oklahoma Sooners have added chapters to the rich tapestry of college football. These fiercely contested matchups have become integral to the program's identity, evoking passion, pride, and a sense of tradition that resonates with fans and players alike.


[1] ESPN College Football - Red River Showdown: Oklahoma vs. Texas:

[2] - Red River Showdown History and Results:

Tradition and Spirit

The Oklahoma Sooners, representing the University of Oklahoma (OU), boasts a rich tradition and an unwavering spirit that sets them apart in college athletics. This article delves into the rules, symbols, and game-day rituals that define the unique culture surrounding the Oklahoma Sooners.

Pride of Oklahoma Marching Band:

Legacy and Performances:

The Pride of Oklahoma Marching Band, renowned for its precision, musicianship, and dynamic performances, has been an integral part of the Sooners' tradition for over a century. Comprising dedicated musicians, the band enriches the game-day experience, filling the stadium with powerful music and inspiring the crowd to cheer for the Sooners. [1]

The Boomer and Sooner Mascots:

The Boomer and Sooner mascots, two spirited horses, embody the spirit of the Oklahoma Sooners. These live mascots make grand appearances before games, leading the team onto the field while captivating fans with grace and energy. The mascots symbolize the Sooner nation's strength, pride, and determination. [2]

The Sooner Schooner and Game-Day Traditions:

The History and Significance of the Schooner:

The Sooner Schooner, a beloved symbol of the Oklahoma Sooners, is a replica of the prairie schooners that transported settlers during the Land Run 1889. Pulled by horses, the Schooner makes a thrilling run across the field after every Sooners touchdown, igniting the crowd with excitement and reinforcing the connection between the team and the spirit of the Sooner heritage. [3]

Game-Day Rituals and Tailgating Culture:

Vibrant traditions and spirited tailgating culture mark game days at OU. Sooner fans gather hours before kickoff to engage in pregame festivities, sharing food, camaraderie, and the excitement of Sooners football. These traditions foster a sense of community, unity, and pride among fans, creating an unforgettable atmosphere on game day. [4]

The traditions and spirit of the Oklahoma Sooners transcend the field, uniting fans and players alike in a shared passion for the team. The Pride of Oklahoma Marching Band, the Boomer and Sooner mascots, the iconic Sooner Schooner, and the game-day rituals all contribute to the unique heritage of the Sooners, creating an atmosphere of unwavering support and pride.


[1] The Pride of Oklahoma Marching Band:

[2] - Boomer and Sooner:

[3] University of Oklahoma Libraries - The Sooner Schooner:

[4] - Game-Day Traditions:

Beyond Football: Success in Other Sports

While the Oklahoma Sooners are renowned for their football prowess, the athletic program's success extends far beyond the gridiron. This article explores the achievements and triumphs of the Sooners in various sports, highlighting their dominance in basketball, softball, and other notable athletic endeavors.

Basketball Dominance:

The Billy Tubbs Era:

Under the leadership of coach Billy Tubbs, the Oklahoma Sooners basketball program experienced a period of remarkable success. Tubbs' high-octane style of play, known as "Billy Ball," captivated fans and propelled the Sooners to new heights. The team's fast-paced offense and relentless scoring made them a force to be reckoned with in college basketball. [1]

The Kelvin Sampson Era:

Following in Tubbs' footsteps, coach Kelvin Sampson continued the tradition of excellence. Sampson led the Sooners to multiple NCAA Tournament appearances, including a run to the Final Four in 2002. His emphasis on disciplined play, strong defense, and a winning mentality sustained the program's success. [2]

Final Four Appearances and NBA Stars:

The Oklahoma Sooners basketball program has made several appearances in the NCAA Final Four, with notable achievements under Tubbs and Sampson. The team has also produced NBA stars, including players like Wayman Tisdale, Stacey King, and Blake Griffin, who have made significant contributions at the professional level. [3]

Softball Supremacy:

The Patty Gasso Era:

Under the leadership of coach Patty Gasso, the Oklahoma Sooners softball team has achieved unparalleled success. Gasso's coaching prowess, coupled with the dedication and talent of the players, has propelled the program to new heights. The Sooners have secured multiple national championships and consistently rank among the top teams in the country. [4]

National Championships and World Series Success:

The Oklahoma Sooners softball team has celebrated numerous national championships, showcasing their dominance on the biggest stage. The team's exceptional performances in the Women's College World Series have cemented their status as one of the premier programs in collegiate softball. Their tenacity, skill, and collective spirit have brought glory to the university and captured the hearts of fans. [5]

Other Notable Sports and Achievements:

While football, basketball, and softball may take center stage, the Oklahoma Sooners have also excelled in other sports. The university's athletic program has produced standout performers in sports such as gymnastics, wrestling, golf, and track and field. The achievements of these athletes have contributed to the overall success and reputation of the Sooners' athletic program. [6]

The success of the Oklahoma Sooners goes far beyond football. The basketball dominance under coaches Tubbs and Sampson, the softball supremacy under coach Gasso, and the achievements in various other sports showcase the depth and breadth of the university's athletic prowess.


[1] - Billy Tubbs:

[2] - Kelvin Sampson:

[3] ESPN - Oklahoma Sooners Basketball History:

[4] - Patty Gasso:

The Oklahoma Sooners Today and Tomorrow

The Oklahoma Sooners, representing the University of Oklahoma (OU), continues to thrive as one of the nation's premier athletic programs. This article explores the present state of the Sooners, highlighting recent successes, the coaching staff, facility enhancements, and the promising future that lies ahead.

Recent Successes and Current Coaching Staff:

The Oklahoma Sooners have enjoyed continued success across multiple sports in recent years. Under the guidance of dedicated coaching staff, the teams have achieved notable accomplishments and maintained high competitiveness. The current coaching staff, with their expertise, leadership, and commitment to excellence, is instrumental in fostering the development and success of the student-athletes. [1]

Facilities and Stadium Enhancements:

OU's commitment to providing state-of-the-art facilities and stadium enhancements has played a pivotal role in the sustained success of the Sooners. Ongoing facility improvements, such as training centers, weight rooms, practice fields, and stadium upgrades, provide student-athletes with the resources necessary to excel in their respective sports. These enhancements also enhance the fan experience, further solidifying OU's status as a premier destination for athletes and fans. [2]

The Future of Oklahoma Athletics:

As the Oklahoma Sooners forge ahead, the future looks promising for the athletic program. With continued dedication to recruiting top talent, fostering a culture of excellence, and strategic planning, OU is poised to remain at the forefront of collegiate sports. The university's commitment to academic and athletic success ensures that the Sooners will continue to make their mark in the collegiate sports landscape for years to come. [3]

The Oklahoma Sooners' commitment to excellence, facility investment, and talented coaching staff have positioned the program for continued success. The university's dedication to cultivating student-athletes potential and providing them with the resources they need sets the stage for a bright and promising future for the Oklahoma Sooners.


[1] - Official Athletics Website:

[2] University of Oklahoma - Facilities and Capital Projects:

[3] The Oklahoma Daily - OU Athletics plans to remain atop the collegiate landscape:


Why were they called Sooners?

The term "Sooners" originated during the Land Run of 1889, a significant event in the history of Oklahoma. The Land Run was a race for settlers to claim available land in the Unassigned Lands, which later became the state of Oklahoma. Individuals who participated in the Land Run and crossed into the territory before the official start time were called "Sooners." The nickname "Sooners" emerged because these individuals settled on the land sooner than allowed by the rules established by the U.S. government. They either staked their claim or based residence on the ground before the designated opening time, which was considered a violation of the rules. These early settlers gained an advantage by getting a head start in claiming the best parcels of land. Over time, the term "Sooners" became associated with individuals who were daring, bold, and willing to bend or break the rules to gain an advantage. The University of Oklahoma adopted the nickname "Sooners" for its athletic teams as a nod to the pioneering spirit and resilience of the early settlers in Oklahoma. Today, the nickname "Sooners" symbolizes pride, determination, and the rich history and heritage of the state of Oklahoma and its university.

What does Sooners mean in Oklahoma history?

In Oklahoma history, the term "Sooners" refers to the individuals who participated in the Land Run 1889 and entered the Unassigned Lands before the officially designated time. These early settlers, known as Sooners, arrived on the land ahead of schedule and claimed their desired plots before the land run began formally. The term "Sooners" carries historical significance as it reflects the daring and resourcefulness of those who took advantage of their prior knowledge or stealth to gain an early foothold on the land. By staking their claims ahead of time, the Sooners sought to secure the most desirable tracts of land for themselves. The Land Run of 1889 was a pivotal event in Oklahoma's history, marking the opening of the Unassigned Lands for settlement and leading to the eventual formation of the state. The Sooners' actions, while controversial and in violation of the established rules, played a role in shaping the development and settlement of Oklahoma. Over time, the term "Sooners" has evolved to symbolize Oklahoma's pioneering spirit, resilience, and determination. It is often associated with the state's rich history, the University of Oklahoma's athletic teams, and the pride of its residents.

What is the meaning of Sooners?

The term "Sooners" refers to individuals who participated in the Land Run 1889 in Oklahoma and entered the designated lands before the official starting time. These individuals sought an advantage by staking their claims or establishing residence on the ground before the authorized opening. The term "Sooners" means being early or ahead of schedule. In the context of the Land Run, it specifically refers to those who arrived before the legally designated time to secure the best plots of land for themselves. The nickname "Sooners" has become synonymous with Oklahoma's pioneering spirit, resilience, and determination. It symbolizes the individuals willing to take risks and bend or break the rules to pursue their goals and aspirations. In a broader sense, "Sooners" can also be associated with being proactive, enterprising, and bold in various contexts beyond the historical event. The term represents a spirit of seizing opportunities and taking action ahead of others. Overall, the meaning of "Sooners" is tied to the historical event of the Land Run 1889 and has come to symbolize the pioneering, adventurous, and determined nature of Oklahoma's people.

Evelyn D. Shah

Evelyn D. Shah is a seasoned sports blogger with 15 years of experience covering the NFL. Throughout her career, she has established herself as a reliable news source and analysis for football fans worldwide. Her passion for the sport is evident in her writing, as she delivers insightful and engaging content on various topics related to the NFL. With her extensive knowledge and expertise, Evelyn is a trusted voice in the world of sports journalism, and she continues to be a go-to resource for all things NFL.