The History of the Southern Illinois Salukis

by Ronald D. Spieker on July 04, 2023

The History of the Southern Illinois Salukis

The athletic teams representing Southern Illinois University (SIU), the Southern Illinois Salukis, have a rich and storied history. From humble beginnings to prominence, the Salukis have left an indelible mark on the landscape of college athletics. This article delves into the various aspects of their history, highlighting key milestones, notable achievements, and their impact on the community.

Origins and Early Years (1905-1940)

Southern Illinois University was founded in 1869, but it was in the early 20th century that athletics began to take shape. 1905 organized sports gained momentum with the SIU Department of Physical Education's establishment. The first competitive teams emerged, participating in football, basketball, baseball, and track and field.


Football was one of the earliest sports to be introduced at SIU. The team played its first official game on October 7, 1905, against Shurtleff College, resulting in a 20-0 victory for SIU (1). The program faced its fair share of challenges in the early years, but it laid the foundation for future success.


Basketball also emerged as a popular sport at SIU during this period. The first basketball team was formed in 1913, and the sport quickly gained traction on campus. The team competed against other regional schools and enjoyed relative success in the early years.


Baseball had a strong presence at SIU during the early years as well. The team competed against other local colleges and universities, forging rivalries and establishing a tradition of excellence. Notable achievements and successes would come later in the program's history.

Track and Field:

Track and field played a significant role in the early athletic endeavors at SIU. The university's first track meet occurred in 1905, and the program steadily grew over the following decades. Athletes competed in various track and field events, showcasing their skills and representing the university.

Overall, the early years of the Southern Illinois Salukis' athletic program laid the foundation for what would become a successful and influential institution in college sports. The team's dedication, hard work, and commitment to excellence set the stage for future achievements and milestones shaping the Salukis' legacy.

The Salukis Rise to Prominence (1940-1970)

The era between 1940 and 1970 witnessed the Salukis' ascent to prominence. This period was marked by significant changes in the athletic landscape within the university and the broader societal context.

Integration and Diversity:

During this time, Southern Illinois University took progressive steps towards integration and diversity in its athletic programs. The university became one of the first in the region to embrace diversity and actively recruit African-American athletes (1). This commitment to inclusivity and equal opportunities laid the foundation for the success of the Salukis in various sports.

Basketball Achievements:

One of the most notable achievements during this era came from the men's basketball program. Led by legendary coach Harry Gallatin, the Salukis achieved remarkable success, making their mark on the national stage. The Salukis had an impressive run in the 1961-1962 season, reaching the NCAA Tournament Final Four (2). This achievement put the Salukis and their "Madison Mummies" nickname in the national spotlight, further elevating the program's prominence.

Other Sports Successes:

While men's basketball garnered significant attention, other sports at SIU also achieved notable successes during this period. The track and field program flourished, particularly producing exceptional athletes who brought home conference championships and set numerous records (3). The Salukis' success in multiple sports showcased the overall strength and competitiveness of the athletic program.

Community Support and Pride:

A surge in community support and pride accompanied the rise of the Salukis to prominence during this era. The success of the athletic teams brought together students, alumni, and residents, fostering a sense of unity and school spirit. The community rallied around the Salukis, attending games, cheering on the teams, and creating a vibrant atmosphere of support.

The Salukis' rise to prominence during the 1940-1970 era was a testament to the university's commitment to inclusivity and the dedication of talented athletes and coaches. The achievements of the basketball and track and field programs, coupled with the unwavering support from the community, propelled the Salukis onto the national stage, setting the stage for future successes.

Building a Legacy (1970-2000)

The period from 1970 to 2000 was marked by strategic decisions and significant developments that helped shape the Salukis' legacy. During this era, the Salukis experienced notable successes in various sports and made substantial investments to build a foundation for continued excellence.

The hiring of Key Coaches:

One crucial factor in the Salukis' success during this period was hiring key coaches across different sports. These coaches brought in expertise, leadership, and a winning mentality that propelled the teams to new heights. Notable coaching hires during this era included Jerry Kill for football, Rich Herrin for men's basketball, and Kay Brechtelsbauer for women's basketball (1). These coaches significantly impacted their respective programs and helped shape the Salukis' legacy.

Facilities Upgrades and Expansions:

Another critical aspect of building a legacy during this era was the investment in facilities upgrades and expansions. Southern Illinois University significantly improved its athletic facilities, providing state-of-the-art resources for the Salukis' athletes. Upgrades to venues such as the SIU Arena, McAndrew Stadium, and Itchy Jones Stadium enhanced the game-day experience and created a competitive advantage for the Salukis (2). These improvements showcased the university's commitment to providing top-notch facilities for its athletes.

Successes in Men's Basketball:

Men's basketball remained a standout sport for the Salukis during this era. Led by coach Rich Herrin, the team achieved remarkable success, making multiple NCAA Tournament appearances and earning conference championships. The Salukis' most memorable postseason run during this period came in 2002 when they reached the NCAA Tournament Sweet Sixteen (3). This achievement put the Salukis in the national spotlight and further solidified their place in college basketball history.

Women's Athletics and Title IX:

From 1970 to 2000, women's athletics at SIU also saw significant growth and progress. Implementing Title IX in 1972 increased opportunities for female athletes, leading to the expansion and development of women's sports programs at the university. Women's basketball, in particular, thrived during this era under the leadership of coach Kay Brechtelsbauer, achieving success on the court and making their mark in the competitive landscape (4).

The building of a legacy for the Southern Illinois Salukis during the 1970-2000 era was characterized by strategic coaching hires, investments in facilities, and notable successes in men's and women's athletics. These developments laid the foundation for continued excellence and set the stage for the Salukis' future accomplishments.

Modern Era and Continued Growth (2000-Present)

The turn of the millennium ushered in a new era for the Southern Illinois Salukis, characterized by continued growth and success. The following bullet points highlight the key developments and accomplishments of the Salukis during this period.

Conference Affiliations and Realignment:

The early 2000s brought changes in conference affiliations and realignment in college sports, impacting the competitive landscape for the Salukis. In 2005, SIU transitioned from the Gateway Conference (now the Missouri Valley Conference) to the more competitive and prestigious Missouri Valley Football Conference (1). This move provided new challenges and opportunities for the Salukis' athletic programs.

Recent Achievements in Athletics:

The Salukis' athletic teams have achieved notable success in various sports during the modern era. Men's basketball continued to thrive, making multiple appearances in the NCAA Tournament, with memorable runs such as reaching the Sweet Sixteen in 2002 (2). The Salukis' football program also experienced success, including multiple playoff appearances and conference championships (3). Other sports, such as cross country, swimming and diving, and track and field, have also produced outstanding athletes and notable accomplishments.

Notable Coaches and Players:

The modern era has seen the rise of exceptional coaches and players who have significantly contributed to the Salukis' success. Notable coaches include Barry Hinson in men's basketball and Jerry Kill in football, who guided their teams to win and helped build a winning culture (4). Many talented athletes have donned the Salukis' jersey and left their mark on the program, setting records and earning accolades in their respective sports.

Community Engagement and Support:

The Salukis have maintained a strong connection with the local community, fostering a sense of pride and support. The university and its athletic programs have actively engaged with the community through various outreach initiatives, volunteer work, and partnerships (5). The Salukis' success on the field has rallied the community, leading to increased game attendance and a vibrant atmosphere of support.

The modern era has been a period of continued growth and success for the Southern Illinois Salukis. The coaches' dedication, the players' exceptional talent, and the community's unwavering support have contributed to the program's achievements and continued prominence in college athletics.

Salukis Athletics Beyond the Field

The Southern Illinois Salukis' impact extends beyond the athletic arena. This section focuses on the broader influence of the Salukis' athletic programs and their engagement with the community, academics, and student life.

Academic Successes of Student-Athletes:

The Salukis' commitment to academic excellence is evident through the achievements of their student-athletes. Many Saluki athletes have excelled in the classroom, maintaining high GPAs and earning academic honors (1). The university and athletic department provide resources and support to help student-athletes balance their academic and athletic responsibilities.

Impact on the Local Community:

The Salukis have a strong connection with the local community, actively engaging in various outreach initiatives. Student-athletes participate in community service projects, volunteer work, and mentorship programs, making a positive impact beyond the playing field (2). The Salukis' involvement in community engagement fosters pride and strengthens the bond between the university and the residents.

Athletic Programs and Student Life:

Salukis Athletics plays a vital role in the vibrant student life at SIU. The athletic events and competitions provide opportunities for students to come together, show school spirit, and create a sense of unity (3). The Salukis' presence enhances the campus experience, offering students various activities and events to support and enjoy.

The Southern Illinois Salukis' impact extends beyond their athletic achievements. The university's commitment to academic success, community engagement, and fostering a vibrant student life has positioned the Salukis as more than just a sports program. They serve as ambassadors for the university and play a crucial role in enhancing the overall student experience.

Challenges and Triumphs

Challenges and triumphs have marked the Southern Illinois Salukis' journey. This section explores some of the significant hurdles they have faced and the remarkable achievements they have accomplished.

Financial Challenges and Budgetary Considerations:

Like many college athletic programs, the Salukis have encountered financial challenges and had to navigate budgetary considerations. These challenges may include funding for facilities, scholarships, and travel expenses (1). The university and the athletic department have worked diligently to secure resources and manage finances to support the teams and ensure their continued competitiveness.

Overcoming Adversities and Building Resilience:

Throughout their history, the Salukis have faced adversities that have tested their resolve and resilience. These may include setbacks on the field, injuries to key players, or changes in the coaching staff. However, the Salukis have consistently demonstrated their ability to overcome these challenges, learn from them, and come back stronger (2). Their ability to bounce back and maintain a positive spirit is a testament to their character and determination.

Celebrating Major Accomplishments:

Despite their challenges, the Salukis have celebrated numerous triumphs and significant accomplishments. These include conference championships, postseason appearances, and individual achievements (3). Notable moments in Salukis' history, such as the men's basketball team's run to the Sweet Sixteen in 2002 or individual athletes setting records and earning accolades, have brought pride and recognition to the university.

The Southern Illinois Salukis have encountered various challenges throughout history, from financial considerations to adversities. However, their ability to overcome these hurdles and achieve remarkable successes showcases their resilience and determination. The Salukis' triumphs are a testament to the unwavering spirit of the athletes, coaches, and the university community.

Looking Ahead: The Future of the Salukis

As the Southern Illinois Salukis build upon their legacy, they constantly look ahead, setting their sights on new goals and aspirations. This section explores the potential areas of development and growth for the Salukis as they navigate the future.

Plans for Athletics Facilities:

One aspect of the Salukis' future is developing and improving athletics facilities. The university may have plans to renovate or expand existing facilities, providing state-of-the-art resources for athletes and enhancing the fan experience. These improvements may include upgraded stadiums, training facilities, and practice spaces (1). Such investments aim to create an environment that attracts top-tier talent and supports the continued success of the Salukis' athletic programs.

Recruiting and Retaining Top Talent:

A key element in the future success of the Salukis lies in their ability to recruit and retain top-tier athletes. This involves maintaining solid relationships with high school coaches, scouting promising young athletes, and offering competitive scholarships and support systems (2). By attracting talented student-athletes, the Salukis can continue to compete at a high level and build upon their legacy.

Long-Term Goals and Aspirations:

The Salukis may have long-term goals and aspirations in various sports. These goals include conference championships, deep postseason runs, and national recognition. Additionally, the university and athletic department may prioritize academic success, community engagement, and fostering a positive student-athlete experience (3). The Salukis' commitment to comprehensive excellence can shape their future direction and ensure continued growth.

As the Southern Illinois Salukis move forward, they are driven by their ambition to excel on and off the field. With plans for facility upgrades, a focus on recruiting top talent, and long-term goals and aspirations, the Salukis are poised to make strides in the competitive landscape of college athletics. Their commitment to excellence and the holistic development of their student-athletes will guide their journey into the future.


The history of the Southern Illinois Salukis is one of perseverance, dedication, and triumph. The Salukis' athletic programs have showcased their talent, resilience, and commitment to excellence. This conclusion summarizes the Salukis' journey and reflects their significance in sports history.

Reflection on the Salukis' Journey:

The journey of the Salukis is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the athletes, coaches, and staff who have contributed to the program's success. From their early years to their prominence, the Salukis have overcome challenges and celebrated triumphs that have shaped their legacy. The journey has been marked by growth, resilience, and a deep commitment to pursuing excellence.

Significance of the Southern Illinois Salukis in Sports History:

The Southern Illinois Salukis have played a significant role in sports history within their conference and on a broader scale. The Salukis' achievements in men's basketball, football, track and field, and other sports have garnered national attention and elevated the program's profile. Their commitment to diversity, academic success, and community engagement has made them ambassadors for the university and a source of pride for the community.

The Southern Illinois Salukis' history is a testament to the power of athletics in creating a sense of unity, school spirit, and pride. Their journey showcases the transformative impact of sports on individual athletes, the university, and the surrounding community. The legacy of the Salukis will continue to inspire future generations of athletes and fans, perpetuating their rich history and ensuring their place in sports lore.


Why is Southern Illinois called the Salukis?

The Southern Illinois University athletic teams are known as the Salukis. The nickname "Salukis" was adopted by the university in 1951. The choice of the Salukis as the mascot and nickname was inspired by a story from the university's student newspaper, The Daily Egyptian. According to the story, a student named Walt Frazier, who later became a prominent alumnus and professional basketball player, submitted the winning suggestion of "Salukis" for the university's athletic teams. The name was inspired by Frazier's pet Saluki dog, which he believed embodied strength, speed, and agility (1). The Saluki is a breed of dog known for its grace, athleticism, and hunting abilities. It has a rich history dating back thousands of years, originating from the ancient Middle East. The Saluki breed is associated with loyalty, intelligence, and endurance (2). The nickname "Salukis" reflects the university's desire to have a distinctive and unique mascot that embodies the qualities of strength and agility. It has become a symbol of pride and identity for the Southern Illinois University community, representing the athletic prowess and competitive spirit of the university's teams. Over the years, the Saluki nickname has become deeply ingrained in the university's culture and has contributed to the recognition and reputation of the Southern Illinois University athletic program. Sources: Southern Illinois University Athletics - Official Athletics Site. "Saluki Traditions." Retrieved from American Kennel Club. "Meet the Breeds: Saluki." Retrieved from

What is the history of the Southern Illinois logo?

The Southern Illinois University (SIU) logo has evolved over the years to represent the university's identity and brand. The history of the Southern Illinois logo showcases the changes in design and visual representation that have accompanied the growth and development of the university. The early iterations of the SIU logo featured a simplistic design that emphasized the initials "SIU" or "SIUC" (Southern Illinois University Carbondale). These early logos often incorporated block lettering or a stylized font to represent the university's name. In the 1970s, a new logo featured a circular emblem with the letters "SIU" at the center, surrounded by the words "Southern Illinois University" in a circular formation. This logo was commonly used across various university materials, including official documents and promotional items. In the early 1990s, SIU adopted a logo featuring a stylized saluki dog, the university's mascot, in a forward motion. This logo emphasized the athletic symbol of the Salukis and aimed to create a more distinct and recognizable brand for the university. The logo incorporated the university's colors of maroon and white. In recent years, the SIU logo has undergone further revisions and updates to modernize the design while maintaining the essence of the previous versions. The current logo features a sleek, stylized saluki dog silhouette enclosed within a circular emblem. The university name, "Southern Illinois University Carbondale," is positioned around the emblem in a bold, modern font. The evolution of the Southern Illinois University logo reflects the university's desire to create a visual representation that aligns with its mission, values, and brand identity. These logos have aimed to capture the essence of the university, whether through the use of initials, the incorporation of the Saluki mascot, or a combination of both. It's worth noting that the specific details and variations of the SIU logo may vary over time, and the most accurate and up-to-date information can be obtained from official communications and resources provided by the university.

What are some interesting facts about SIU?

Here are some interesting facts about Southern Illinois University (SIU): Founded in 1869: SIU was established 1869 as a teacher's college, originally known as Southern Illinois Normal University. It has since grown into a comprehensive public research university. Campus Location: SIU's main campus is in Carbondale, Illinois, with additional campuses in Edwardsville, Illinois, and other regional locations. Saluki Mascot: The university's athletic teams are known as the Salukis. The Saluki is a breed of dog known for its grace, speed, and hunting abilities. The Saluki mascot represents the university's teams' athletic prowess and competitive spirit. Accreditation: SIU is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and holds various program-specific accreditations for its academic departments. Research and Innovation: SIU is a hub of research and innovation, with numerous research centers and institutes focusing on diverse fields such as agriculture, energy, cybersecurity, sustainability, and more. Diverse Academic Programs: The university offers a wide range of academic programs, including over 200 undergraduate majors, minors, and specializations, as well as numerous graduate and professional degree programs. Campus Landmarks: SIU's campus features several notable landmarks, including the iconic "Old Main" building, the Morris Library, the Student Center, the Saluki Stadium, and the SIU Arena. Student Involvement: SIU offers a vibrant student life with over 400 student organizations, clubs, and activities catering to a diverse range of interests, including academic, cultural, recreational, and service-oriented pursuits. Strong Alumni Network: SIU has a large and active alumni network, with graduates making notable contributions in various fields, including academia, business, government, entertainment, and more. Cultural Heritage: The university celebrates its rich cultural heritage through events such as the Southern Illinois Irish Festival, the SIU Pow Wow, and the Big Muddy Film Festival, showcasing diverse artistic and cultural expressions. Commitment to Sustainability: SIU is dedicated to sustainability and has implemented numerous initiatives to reduce its environmental impact. The university has achieved recognition for its sustainability efforts, including LEED-certified buildings and eco-friendly practices. Outdoor Recreation: Located in the scenic region of Southern Illinois, SIU offers access to beautiful natural landscapes, including the Shawnee National Forest, Giant City State Park, and the Garden of the Gods, providing opportunities for hiking, camping, and outdoor exploration. These are just a few interesting facts about Southern Illinois University. The university's rich history, academic programs, commitment to research, and vibrant campus life contribute to its unique identity and impact.

Ronald D. Spieker

Ronald D. Spieker is a dedicated sports blogger who has been a football fan since birth. With 7 years of experience in sports blogging, Ronald has built a reputation as a knowledgeable and passionate commentator on all things football. He is known for his engaging writing style and ability to break down complex topics in a way that is accessible to fans of all levels. Whether it's analyzing the latest game stats, delving into team strategies, or discussing the latest news from around the league, Ronald is always on top of the latest developments in football. His love for the sport shines through in every article he writes, and his readers appreciate his in-depth knowledge and insightful commentary.