The History of the West Virginia Mountaineers

by Evelyn D. Shah on August 01, 2023

The History of the West Virginia Mountaineers

Overview of West Virginia University:

  • West Virginia University was established as a land-grant institution on February 7, 1867.
  • It is a public research university and the flagship institution of higher education in West Virginia.
  • WVU offers a wide range of academic programs across various disciplines.
  • 1.2 Importance of Athletics at West Virginia University:
  • Athletics play a significant role in the culture and tradition of West Virginia University.
  • The success and achievements of the Mountaineers' athletic teams have garnered immense support and pride from the WVU community and fans.
  • The athletic program serves as a platform for student-athletes to excel in their respective sports and represent the university at a competitive level.

Early Years (1867-1910)

The West Virginia Mountaineers have a rich history that dates back to the early years of West Virginia University—this period marked the foundation and formation of the athletic program, setting the stage for the future successes of the Mountaineers.

Founding of West Virginia University:

West Virginia University was established on February 7, 1867, under the Morrill Land-Grant Act of 1862.

The university was initially known as the Agricultural College of West Virginia and later renamed West Virginia University in 1868.

The early years of the university were focused on developing academic programs and infrastructure.

Formation of the Athletic Program:

As the university grew, there was an increasing interest in organized sports and physical education.

The formation of the athletic program at West Virginia University can be traced back to the late 1800s when students began participating in informal sports activities.

The university recognized the importance of athletics in fostering school spirit, physical fitness, and character development.

Early Sports Teams and Achievements:

In the late 1800s and early 1900s, football emerged as one of the first prominent sports at West Virginia University.

The university fielded its first football team in 1891, competing against local opponents.

The early football teams faced challenges, including a need for more funding, limited facilities, and organizational structure.

Despite these challenges, the Mountaineers showcased their determination and passion for the sport.

Building a Tradition (1911-1940)

From 1911 to 1940, it marked an essential phase in the history of the West Virginia Mountaineers. During these years, the Mountaineers witnessed the arrival of influential figures, inclusion in conference play, and notable achievements, all contributing to building a tradition that would carry forward through the decades.

The Arrival of Coach Clarence Spears:

In 1911, Clarence Spears was hired as the head football coach at West Virginia University.

Spears brought a new level of professionalism and expertise to the program, shaping the Mountaineers' football legacy.

Under Spears' guidance, the team developed a strong work ethic and a commitment to excellence.

Mountaineers' Inclusion in Conference Play:

In 1924, West Virginia University became a charter member of the newly formed West Virginia Athletic Conference (WVAC).

The inclusion in conference play gave the Mountaineers a structured platform to regularly compete against other regional teams.

This move enhanced the visibility and competitiveness of West Virginia University's athletic program.

Notable Players and Teams of the Era:

During the 1920s and 1930s, the Mountaineers saw the emergence of talented players who left their mark on the program.

One of the notable teams was the 1922 squad, which achieved an undefeated season and earned recognition as the Southern Conference co-champions.

Individual players, such as Ira Rodgers, Joe Stydahar, and Harry Clarke, showcased exceptional skills and contributed to the success of the Mountaineers.

Reaching New Heights (1941-1970)

From 1941 to 1970 marked a transformative era for the West Virginia Mountaineers. During these years, the Mountaineers experienced significant milestones, notable coaching appointments and achieved remarkable successes that propelled them to new heights in collegiate athletics.

Coach Ira Rodgers and the 1942 Sugar Bowl Victory:

Coach Ira Rodgers, known for his innovative coaching strategies, led the Mountaineers to one of their most memorable victories.

In 1942, West Virginia University secured a historic win against the favored Texas Longhorns in the Sugar Bowl, with a final score of 7-6.

The Sugar Bowl victory showcased the Mountaineers' resilience and set the stage for future successes.

Impact of World War II on Athletics:

Like many other universities, West Virginia University faced challenges during World War II as several players and coaches joined the war effort.

Despite the hardships, the Mountaineers continued to compete, demonstrating the team's and university's determination and commitment.

The Legendary Coach Art "Pappy" Lewis:

Art "Pappy" Lewis was appointed the head football coach of the Mountaineers in 1950, beginning a legendary coaching tenure.

Coach Lewis transformed the program, implementing innovative offensive strategies that revolutionized the team's style of play.

Under his leadership, the Mountaineers achieved numerous successes and became a force to be reckoned with in college football.

Notable Players and Teams of the Era:

From 1941 to 1970, we witnessed the emergence of exceptional players who left a lasting impact on the Mountaineers' program.

Notable teams, such as the 1953 squad, known as the "Cardiac Kids," showcased their resilience and ability to come from behind to secure victories.

Players like Chuck Howley, Joe Marconi, and Bruce Bosley achieved individual accolades and contributed to the team's success.

Golden Era (1971-1990)

The period from 1971 to 1990 is considered the Golden Era for the West Virginia Mountaineers. During this time, the Mountaineers achieved remarkable successes, attained national prominence, and produced memorable moments in the history of West Virginia University's athletic program.

The Era of Coach Bobby Bowden:

In 1970, Bobby Bowden took over as the head football coach of the Mountaineers, heralding a new era of success.

Coach Bowden instilled discipline, enthusiasm, and a winning mentality, setting the stage for unprecedented achievements.

West Virginia's Move to the Big East Conference:

1991 West Virginia University transitioned from the Southern Conference to the newly formed Big East Conference.

This move provided the Mountaineers with increased exposure and the opportunity to compete against vital football programs.

Major Bowl Appearances and Successes:

The Golden Era witnessed the Mountaineers' participation in several major bowl games, elevating the program's national profile.

Notable bowl appearances include the Peach Bowl in 1972, the Fiesta Bowl in 1981, and the Gator Bowl in 1989.

These bowl appearances showcased the Mountaineers' competitiveness and ability to compete against top-tier programs.

Notable Players and Teams of the Era:

The Golden Era saw the emergence of outstanding players who left an indelible mark on the Mountaineers' football program.

Players like Major Harris, Darryl Talley, and Jeff Hostetler achieved individual success and national recognition.

The 1988 team, led by Major Harris, achieved an undefeated regular season and played in the national championship game.

Modern Challenges and Triumphs (1991-2021)

From 1991 to 2021, they brought modern challenges and triumphs for the West Virginia Mountaineers. During these years, the Mountaineers faced conference changes, coaching transitions, and notable achievements that solidified their position in collegiate athletics.

Coaches Don Nehlen and Rich Rodriguez:

Don Nehlen, a coaching legend, led the Mountaineers through the early years of the modern era.

Nehlen's tenure from 1980 to 2000 saw the team's transition to the Big East Conference and significant successes.

Rich Rodriguez took over as head coach 2001, introducing a high-powered spread offense that revitalized the program.

Mountaineers in the Big 12 Conference:

In 2012, West Virginia University made a conference move from the Big East to the Big 12 Conference.

The move to the Big 12 offered new challenges and opportunities as the Mountaineers faced competitive programs and expanded their geographic reach.

BCS Bowl Appearances and Victories:

The modern era witnessed the Mountaineers' participation in prominent bowl games, particularly during the BCS era.

Notable bowl appearances include the Sugar Bowl in 2006, the Fiesta Bowl in 2008, and the Orange Bowl in 2012.

West Virginia won these BCS bowls, solidifying their status as a respected football program.

Notable Players and Teams of the Era:

The modern era produced exceptional players who excelled on the field and significantly contributed to the Mountaineers' success.

Quarterbacks Pat White, Geno Smith, and wide receiver Tavon Austin achieved national recognition and rewrote records.

The 2005 and 2007 teams, led by Pat White, were known for their explosive offense and achieved remarkable seasons.

Recent Developments (2022-Present)

The period from 2022 to the present represents the recent developments and ongoing story of the West Virginia Mountaineers. During this time, the Mountaineers have continued to compete in collegiate athletics, experiencing coaching changes, recent seasons, and notable players contributing to their ongoing legacy.

Current Head Coach and Coaching Staff:

As of 2022, the West Virginia Mountaineers are led by their head football coach and coaching staff.

The head coach brings their unique vision and strategies to the program, shaping the team's direction and approach.

The coaching staff plays a crucial role in player development, game planning, and overall team management.

Recent Seasons and Performance:

Recent seasons have showcased the Mountaineers' competitive spirit and determination on the field.

The team's performance can be evaluated through win-loss records, conference standings, and bowl game appearances.

For up-to-date information on recent seasons and performance, it is essential to refer to reliable sources, such as official West Virginia University athletics websites or reputable sports news outlets.

Notable Players and Future Prospects:

The West Virginia Mountaineers have continued to produce talented players who have impacted the field.

Notable players during this period have demonstrated their skills and potential, capturing the attention of fans and the broader college football community.

Additionally, the Mountaineers are always looking for prospects who can contribute to the program's success in the future.


The history of the West Virginia Mountaineers is a testament to the resilience, determination, and pride of the university and its athletic program. From their early years to their modern-day triumphs, the Mountaineers have established a tradition of excellence in collegiate athletics. Through the contributions of influential players, dedicated coaches, and passionate fans, the Mountaineers continue to inspire and represent the values of West Virginia University. As the journey of the West Virginia Mountaineers continues, their history will serve as a foundation for future successes and a source of pride for the entire Mountaineer community.


What is the history of the WV Mountaineers?

The history of the West Virginia Mountaineers is a fascinating journey that spans over a century. The West Virginia University (WVU) athletic program has a rich tradition and has experienced triumphs and challenges throughout history. Let's explore the key highlights of the WV Mountaineers' story. Founding and Early Years: West Virginia University was established as a land-grant institution on February 7, 1867. In the early years, the university focused on academic programs and gradually began to develop its athletic program. The Mountaineers participated in various sports, with football emerging as one of the prominent ones. Rise to Prominence (1911-1940): The period from 1911 to 1940 saw significant developments for the Mountaineers. Coach Clarence Spears, who arrived in 1911, brought professionalism and success to the football program. Under Spears' leadership, the Mountaineers became a formidable team and achieved notable victories, including the historic 1942 Sugar Bowl win against the Texas Longhorns. Golden Era (1971-1990): The Golden Era for the Mountaineers began in the 1970s with the appointment of Coach Bobby Bowden. Coach Bowden's tenure brought renewed success and prominence to the program. The Mountaineers transitioned to the Big East Conference in 1991, gaining exposure to competitive football programs. During this period, the Mountaineers appeared in major bowl games and produced notable players such as Major Harris and Darryl Talley. Modern Challenges and Triumphs (1991-2021): In the modern era, the Mountaineers faced conference changes, coaching transitions and continued to compete at a high level. Coaches like Don Nehlen and Rich Rodriguez contributed to the program's success. Notable players such as Pat White and Geno Smith achieved national recognition, and the Mountaineers made appearances in BCS bowl games, solidifying their status as a respected football program. Recent Developments (2022-Present): The recent years of the WV Mountaineers' history have seen coaching changes, recent seasons, and the emergence of new players. The program continues to evolve and compete in the ever-changing landscape of collegiate athletics. The West Virginia Mountaineers have cultivated a passionate and loyal fan base throughout its history. After victories, fan traditions like singing "Country Roads" have become iconic symbols of Mountaineer pride and unity. The WV Mountaineers' history is a testament to the university community's dedication, perseverance, and resilience. It showcases the achievements, traditions, and ongoing legacy of one of West Virginia's most beloved athletic programs.

Why is West Virginia University called the Mountaineers?

West Virginia University is known as the Mountaineers due to the state's unique geographic and topographic features. West Virginia is characterized by its mountainous terrain, with the Appalachian Mountains spanning much of the state. The nickname "Mountaineers" reflects the spirit of resilience, determination, and ruggedness associated with the people who call West Virginia home. The term "Mountaineer" symbolizes the courage and tenacity required to navigate the challenging mountainous landscapes of the state. It represents the strength and endurance needed to overcome obstacles and reach new heights. This nickname pays homage to the physical geography of West Virginia and embodies the character and spirit of the university and its community. The Mountaineer mascot, often portrayed as a bearded frontiersman clad in buckskin, further represents the independent and adventurous nature of the people of West Virginia. The Mountaineer symbolizes a connection to the state's rich history, Appalachian heritage, and determination to face challenges head-on. The nickname "Mountaineers" is a unifying symbol, instilling a sense of pride and identity among West Virginia University students, alumni, and fans. It reflects the university's commitment to embracing the rugged and resilient qualities that define the state and its athletic program.

Who was the first Mountaineer mascot?

The first official Mountaineer mascot at West Virginia University was "John Denver," also known as "Mountaineer I." John Denver made his debut as the Mountaineer mascot in 1937. He was selected to represent the university and embody the spirit of the Mountaineers. John Denver, whose real name was Lawson Hill, was chosen for his rugged appearance and his association with the state's mountainous landscape. He sported a coonskin cap, buckskin clothing, and a musket rifle, symbolizing the spirit of the early frontiersmen and pioneers who settled in the Appalachian region. The tradition of having a Mountaineer mascot has continued at West Virginia University ever since. Each subsequent Mountaineer mascot has represented the university's pride, resilience, and connection to the state's rich history and heritage. The Mountaineer mascot is a beloved symbol of West Virginia University and its athletic program.

Evelyn D. Shah

Evelyn D. Shah is a seasoned sports blogger with 15 years of experience covering the NFL. Throughout her career, she has established herself as a reliable news source and analysis for football fans worldwide. Her passion for the sport is evident in her writing, as she delivers insightful and engaging content on various topics related to the NFL. With her extensive knowledge and expertise, Evelyn is a trusted voice in the world of sports journalism, and she continues to be a go-to resource for all things NFL.